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Tools for tag "community"

  1. Screenshot of Angular Community on Discord

    Angular Community on Discord

    collecting all logos and badges that are inspired by the original Angular logo

    Added Feb 2021
    Go to Angular Community on Discord
  2. Screenshot of Angular Meetup Graz

    Angular Meetup Graz

    Angular Community in Graz

    Added Feb 2021

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of manfredsteyer
    Go to Angular Meetup Graz
  3. Screenshot of ngGirls


    ngGirls is an organization that aims to increase diversity in Tech

    Added Feb 2021

    Made by

    • GitHub profile image of shmool
    • GitHub profile image of willi84
    • GitHub profile image of revitalf3
    • GitHub profile image of martinakraus
    • GitHub profile image of pelagia123
    • GitHub profile image of alisa-duncan
    Go to ngGirls